Scared? Me? Nah…well OK just a bit. I started preparing myself last night, reading everything from Pike to our Great Light trying to ease my rambling mind. I shaved, then shaved again, then laid out clothes, the laid out different clothes. I’m not going to say I wasn’t nervous but as I got ready this morning,fear left me after the realization that the only thing inside that great building on 725 Cotton contained within it were brothers waiting to pass along their ways in due and ancient form…with donuts. Thousands upon thousands have traveled the path I now set foot to. Thousands upon thousands have worried like me, that they will not be able to uphold the examples set by those who have gone before. And thousands upon thousands, just like me, made like me, an average man, Gods own, have traveled upwards to the degree of the Consistory of the Southern Juristiction of the 32°. Well, here we go.
Month: April 2013
Aiden and Audrey’s Baptism
Today, surrounded by family and friends, two of our precious ones made their first step towards God and for the first time received a portion of the light of the world.
The ceremony took place in St. Michael’s Chapel at St. John Birchmans.
Aiden’s Godfather is Brian Loftin.
Aiden’s Godmother is Concetta King.
Audrey’s Godfather is William Sirven.
Audrey’s Godmother is Lacey Dougherty.
The officiant for the sacrament was Deacon John Basco.
Boston Marathon Explosion [IMAGES]
Not long ago, there was an explosion (possibly two) near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Windows from the Marathon Sports store were blown out. Details are still sketchy.
District 1 Meeting at Atkins Lodge
The brethren at Atkins Lodge #266 in Taylor Town played host to a truly wonderful happenstance today. Not only were they hosts of Relief Lodge and District 1’s meeting, they were recipients of the illustrious Traveling Gavel award with 19 members present (due to what some would say was sheer luck).
Another nicety that happened today was that EVERY lodge in District 1 was represented. Ida, Moorinsport, Keithville, Cedar Grove, and Plain Dealing members were in attendance with other brethren from throughout the district.
We were also blessed with the presence of the Grand Master of Masons of Louisiana, Most Worshipful H. Edward Durham who spoke on topics ranging from attending Grand Lodge to supporting certain events with manpower to philanthropies needing what he called “broader bases” throughout the state.
After Lodge, the brothers at Atkins treated us to hamburgers hot off the grill, french fries, and dessert.
Other Grand Lodge Officers were also in attendance including R.W. Will P. Gray – Grand Warden, R.W. Gary Gribble – Grand Mashall, R.W. Gary Rushworth, Sr. – Grand Sword Bearer, 1st District Steward R.W. Randy Terrell and 1st District Grand Lecturer R.W. Kenneth Fuller and Past Grand Masters.
Finally, Most Worshipful Durham mentioned all the work Brother Stephen McClellan and Jeff Clarke were doing with the state website, bringing especial detail to the 1st District Site as a template for others to follow. The 1st District site is:
I’m glad to hear our Grand Master refer to the 1st District an example for the State to follow.